

Scott Dalton   
Will Talbot     
Sam Steed       

County Commissioners

The Piute County Commissioners are the general administrative body for county government. They are the county government taxing, budgeting, appropriating, and purchasing authority. They hold title to county property. Commissioners also have a myriad of other responsibilities including hearing and ruling on annexations, road vacations, approving drainage improvements through the petition ditch process, establishing water and sewer districts and making improvements, providing for solid waste disposal, and approving tax abatements.

Commissioners Duties

Commissioners also appoint department heads of offices for which they have responsibility: HR Department, Emergency Management, Public Works/Landfill, Building Department, Weeds, Building & Grounds, Commission Assistant, Planning & Zoning, Information System-IT/GIS.
It is the non-statutory duties of county commissioners that make them different from other county elected officials. They must take a broad view of actions necessary to make the county a better place to live and work. They are active in promoting public/private partnerships in human services, economic development, health, and infrastructure development. Also, they take an active role in improving the environment, promoting job-training programs, and improving agriculture in their counties.

Please visit the Public Notice Website ( to view meeting agendas and minutes.