Kali Gleave - Clerk/Auditor
Kassidy Westwood - Dept. Clerk
550 N Main
Junction, UT 84740
Main: 435.577.2840
Fax: 435.577.2802
Report Fraud, Waste or Abuse
Auditor Hotline
OSA Hotline, PO Box 142310, SLC, Utah 84114-2310
Business License
A Piute County Business license is required if you are starting, buying, operating or conducting business within the unincorporated areas of Piute County. Getting a license normally takes 5-10 business days from the time the application is submitted until the approval process is completed.
The Piute County Clerk’s office is not an Official Passport Acceptance Agent for the United States Government. However, all forms, as well as instructional information can be obtained from the Clerk’s office or via website
Piute County is now ALL-BY-MAIL voting. Please check with the county clerk’s office to see if your information is correct and you have a signature on file. You can contact us @435-577-2840.
Piute County Fair
One of the County Auditor Responsibilities is to oversee finances for the County Fair.